Search Engine Reputation Management - SERM

SERM is a powerful tool that aims to bring order to search engine results. Order is achieved by promoting sites that we like the most to the top of the search results:

  • Managed sites – these should be promoted to the top first. These are sites that, under certain conditions, allow us to remove negative reviews from their database;
  • Next in priority are unmanaged sites where you can place a press release or review, without the ability to write reviews and comments. Such sites are the most difficult to promote, but if the site itself is popular, it will promote itself;
  • Unmanaged sites where it is possible to write comments and reviews, and where the brand has a positive reputation.

By promoting such sites, we fill search results with positive mentions of the company, brand, product, or personality. At the same time, we push out sites that damage the brand’s image. Ideally, all negative sites should be at least on the second page of the search results. Achieving this result is not easy, as site administrators with negative content do everything they can to stay on top.

How the result is achieved

To achieve the desired result in SERM, we use the following processes:

  • placement of press releases;
  • placement of reviews;
  • placement of native advertising;
  • placement of the company in directories;
  • creation of related sites;
  • creation and maintenance of thematic threads on forums.

If you want to learn more about this reputation management tool, we recommend that you check out these materials:
Our services. Description.
Online reputation management (HM, ORM, SERM)

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